sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012

Vivir en Etiopía. Kelem, de la tribu Karo, y de una pequeña aldea en el Valle del Omo Sur, cerca de la frontera con Sudán del Sur.

Life in Ethiopia ... Kelem, from a Karo tribe small village in South Omo Valley ... They need to defend themselves and their cattle from other tribes, usually south sudanese tribes

© Marcello Scotti - All rights reserved

sábado, 8 de diciembre de 2012

Adolescente de la tribu Surma - Valle del Omo Sur - Etiopia

Surma tribe teenager
South Omo Valley - Ethiopia

This tribe´s roots are dated to the origins of mankind.
Recent scientific studies have given as result that their genes have been found in common with every people that have been compared to. Nevertheless, they are one of the most primitive tribes in Africa.

© Marcello Scotti - All rights reserved